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Start Your Sales Journey With

Solutions Instant Tech

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Sales Executives
1 Years+
In Business
1 Locations


Telemarketing serves as the simplest form of customer support and sales. Being an outsourcing engine for your company, Solutions Instant Tech prides itself for being the very first telemarketing service providing IT integrated solutions. We use state-of-the-art technology when it comes to our telemarketing solutions which help us excel your customer relationships as well as significantly increase your sales. Solutions Instant Tech has grown proficient in the domain of, both, inbound and outbound telemarketing following years of experience in the industry being a top of the line telemarketing agency.



Starting off with inbound telemarketing, Solutions Instant Tech generates traffic for your product/service through various means. The first one would be digital marketing where we have customized campaigns to generate traffic and then sell your product or service to those customers. It has been estimated that almost 60% of smartphone users have contacted a business directly using the search results. The second one being cross selling in which we use efficient software to pair up your product/service with our extensive home-based campaigns and cross-sell it based on the customers need. This has shown us an overall increase of 18% for our clients in 2019. Solutions Instant Tech also uses OPT/IN leads where the customer on the call is generally interested in your product or service. Solutions Instant Tech believes that lead generation helps increase the sales from 20%-30% when used efficiently.



When it comes to outbound telemarketing, we have partnered with various certified data providers where our agents cold call the prospective customer to sell the product or service. An 8/10 chance has been reported that your product/service is sold since the data providers we work with provide us with leads that are interested in a product/service similar to yours. Moreover, in order to avoid data decays, Solutions Instant Tech, being a leading telemarketing agency, audits and appends the data regularly which gives us a higher success rate that the majority in the market. Being a leading telemarketing agency providing telemarketing services, Solutions Instant Tech provides its clients a skilled taskforce working dedicatedly for them to maximize their chances of increasing their sales and inevitably their profits. It has been estimated that the odds of a sale increase by a staggering 60% when human element is involved in the process.



The benefits of outsourcing your sales and/or marketing include such benefits as:

Lowering your cost per sale.
Reducing your time to market.
Avoiding recruitment or HR worries.
Eliminating personnel headaches to manage.
Minimizing day-to-day administrative worries.
Having an objective, third-party provider who can provide you with a fresh perspective and expose potential blind spots.

With an outsourced sales strategy, you’ll have an exceptional sales and marketing engine to power you forward. Your only concern will be driving the business and making sure you have the right products and services to fuel your profitability. Our job as a leading telemarketing service provider will be to provide the unprecedented sales engine that will push you to your next level of growth again and again!

Grow Your Sales, Attract New Customers

Average Monthly Leads Funnel

Total prospects targeted (3000-5000)
Total email sent (9000-12000)
Total calls (250-450)
LinkedIn followups (600-700)
Total Qualified leads (20-30)
Total flipped (15-30)

Generating Business For Our Clients Since A Decade

Solutions Instant Tech’s mission is to help organizations render an excellent customer journey using state of the art IT solutions. With innovative and cost effective human resource, we collaborate with our clients to personalize solutions that best fit their domain. Solutions Instant Tech, for the past 8 years, has maintained long term relationships by adding value to its client’s portfolio more than their expectation. Solutions Instant Tech has a tremendous amount of experience in both domains of inbound and outbound telemarketing. Using unique IT integrated solutions, we have a different approach to what we do.

Get on board with the best in the business and take your sales journey to the next level.

Fully Managed Telemarketing Service


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)