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Pay Per Chat


Customer Chat Support Service – Outsource Now

Are you looking for superior chat support services? Then you have come to the right place.

Businesses are busy; we get you to have a lot on your plate – daily and round the clock. In this busy routine, you don’t want to side-track on your customer service – let’s face it, your customers are your driving force. But how can you juggle between the operational requirements of your business and offer stellar customer support services at the same time?


Customer Chat Support Service – Call Now

Customer support outsourcing is your best bet! The pay-per-chat model offers instant communication with the on-site traffic and customers and enables a swift resolution to their concerns, queries, and questions. You can add live chat support to your websites and application effortlessly and quickly, and let us take care of the rest.
With Live Chat support services from outsourcing companies like Solutions Instant Tech, you can increase your sales and build stronger and long lasting customer relationships.

Get connected with Solutions Instant Tech right now to get a customized, cost-effective quote

Cost Effective Chat Support Company


Pay Per Chat – Book Support Services

Our live chat support services come with features, including proactive chat invitations that specifically allow agents to send personalized messages. Trigger chat invitations when a visitor meets predefined criteria such as the number of pages visited or the time spent on the website.

You can make customer services more proficient through live pay per chat services. Multiple chats can be run simultaneously, and canned responses can be sent for frequently asked questions. You can also tag your chats in addition to being able to send files to the customers right from the chat window.


Extendable & Easy to Customize

Our services are easily customizable; whatever your requirements are, we offer solutions that can be tailor-made, suiting your specific needs. Our live chat services are designed to connect with a range of popular third-party apps and services. These include but are not limited to Freshdesk, Zendesk, HubSpot CRM, Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact, in addition to Facebook or Twitter.


Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Chat Support

There are tons of benefits chat support services, such as:

Solves customer problems instantly. Live chat is the fastest and easiest customer support channel.
Boosts sales and conversion rates. Streamlines the buying process by answering customer queries at run-time.
Offering appropriate customer support by directly offering your customers a free option to seek help.
You can use the live chat to build on and understand the customer’s needs better, consequently increasing average order value and sales.
Manage and engage products more efficiently, build and maintain good customer relationships, and stay ahead of your competition through offering live chat support.


We offer a chat experience that doesn’t disappoint. URL enrichment, reactions, threads, typing indicators, read state, etc., offers users what they likely expect from an in-app chat. ​

Vigorous Security​

You get a secure and Soc2, GDPR, and HIPAA ready chat messaging structure through us. We focus mainly on security, privacy, and reliability. ​

Easy Integration​

Build your chats as you prefer with the straight access to the API or through our powerful and feature-rich SDKs and components.​
Wondering How It Works?

Let Solutions Instant Tech helps you in your Customer Chat Support

Solutions Instant Tech offers the best live chat support services; sign-up for a free trial and try out all our chat product features and services. We won’t need your credit card and other details – it is this simple. I f you have more questions or want a custom plan, reach out to us Today!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)