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Invoice Processing


Reasons To Outsource
Invoice/Bill Processing

One of the main reasons for month-end invoices taking too long is the slow automation and filing process. Solutions Instant Tech tackles that with its software for fast automation and improving business efficiences.

With a team of experienced individuals working for you at the backend, you’ll have little to no worries regarding your invoice processing. This will save you time to work more efficiently on core business practices.

Why Outsource Invoice/Bill Processing

With Solutions Instant Tech

Cloud Based

Fast & Simple Setup

Improved Workflow

Mobile Friendly

Multiple Users

Secure System


Ready To Improve Your Invoice Processing Workflow?

Step By Step


Solutions Instant Tech makes sure that the process of invoice processing is efficient and quick so that we can cater to your customer satisfaction by providing a remarkable customer experience. Solutions Instant Tech believes in transparency and we would love to guide you through the step-by-step process of how we process your invoices:

1. Received

First, we receive your invoices once they are uploaded to our secure FTP servers. We make sure that the data received is accurate and ready to be processed. You can even send the invoices via email.

2. Processing

Our teams of processors go through every invoice to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the invoice. Our team isn’t shy to take suggestions from the client if a really complex situation comes in.

3. Sent

After all the aspects are thoroughly checked of the invoice, the voices are ready to be delivered. With efficiency running in full flow, the invoices are delivered before the due time.
Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Invoice Processing

To Solutions Instant Tech

Cost Reduction:​

Switching to digital means of delivering your invoices helps you in cost cutting. However, you’ll need to hire people who will do this for you. Outsourcing your invoice processing will help you in reducing your hiring costs as well as easing your costs on the infrastructure.

Increased Security:

You may be in doubt that outsourcing your invoice processing can put your finances at risk; however that is not the case if you hire a trusted outsourcing company such as Solutions Instant Tech. We prioritize electronic security and implement necessary protocols to ensure the protection of your financial information.

Time Saving:

Invoice processing is certainly a time-taking process especially when you want a customized format for it. With outsourcing your invoice processing to Solutions Instant Tech, you can save plenty of time and focus on core business functions while our team takes care of this for you behind the scenes. This will not only give you an edge in your industry, but also provide you with the satisfaction that your invoice processing is being worked on efficiently and pro actively
Wondering How It Works?

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(10am - 05 pm)