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Back Office Support


Back-Office Support For Every Need

The benefits of outsourcing your sales and/or marketing include such benefits as:

Accounting Services
Record Maintanence
Regulatory Compliance
Information Technology Services

Data Entry

Despite the cost-cutting benefits that Data Entry outsourcing brings, you’ll also rely on a top company to do your job for you.

Data Processing

Converting raw data
into machine processed data for you.
With smooth output of data.

Image Editing

Solutions Instant Tech posseses the quality of altering images, whether these are digital photographs, photo-chemical photographs.

What Is Back Office?

Back office support includes the tasks which are necessary to run a business. These tasks are done behind the scenes and they aren’t usually customer facing. A team at the back fulfills these tasks. Back office usually entails tasks which are mundane and you might not feel like doing them yourself. However, setting up a team and finding the right set of skilled people to do them for you can come as a challenge as well. According to a report, Fortune 500 companies waste an estimated $480B due to inefficient back-office processes. Hence, this isn’t something companies should be taking so lightly. The real reason why a lot of companies overlook back office tasks is because it may not seem like a lot to handle at first. However, businesses which are on the rise can have multiple challenges and back office tasks may get ignored. Leaving these tasks undone leads to inefficiencies in back office processes

Get a customized quote for our premium back office solutions.

Efficient Back Office Processes To Help You Succeed


Think About All The Time You’re Save

Time is money and that quote goes back a long way. However, when it comes to back office specifically, it can be really time-consuming. With Solutions Instant Tech’s services, you won’t have to worry about going through lengthy HR processes to appoint the right people for the job. We have a team of experts waiting for you.

you won’t have to worry about going through lengthy HR processes to appoint the right people for the job. We have a team of experts waiting for you.


What Solutions Instant Tech Offers

Outsourcing your back office tasks to Solutions Instant Tech is a solution. Just outsourcing a certain part of your back office such as data entry can prove vital and help you take care of your business more efficiently. Solutions Instant Tech offers its clients a range of back office services to support their business needs.

IT Services
Data Entry
Data Collection
Market Research
Record Maintenance
Regulatory Compliance

Bang For The

With experienced mindsets working for you, it’s safe to say you’re investing in our services. Keeping that mind, Solutions Instant Tech has proven to be valuable for its clients by providing an ROI of 23% when it comes to our back office support services.


Do What You Do

With our experienced and diligent team working for you on your back office, you’ll never need to look back to see if any task is left undone. We understand that you want to run your business efficiently and Solutions Instant Tech is all for that. With the time you’ll be saving, you can reinvest your energy and time into your core business competencies. This will allow you to think freely and make sure that your business is running smoothly.

Wondering How It Works?


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)